Price: (2015) - set + seafood soup + vegetables
Set A: Set for 2 person - 92
Set B: Set for 3-4 person - 118 (recommend for 2 person)
Set C: Set for 3-4 person - 148
There's eight difference flavor pork belly serve at set b and c.
Flavor: Ginseng, wine, pine, garlic, harb, curry, miso, hot pepper.
The staff will place the meat on the grill, so we only sit there for waiting. The grill will started with 4 lighter flavors, when we nearly finish eat, the staff will come to continue the 2nd round grill the another 4 heavy flavors.
Cheese rice. This cheese rice was an a-la-carte order. But It's jus only serve when you finished ur soup. Taste great!!!